Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. I am an instructor. I have been teaching at NEIU for a while. Can I join the union?

A1. Yes! Instructors become eligible to join UPI in the semester AFTER they have taught 15 credit hours. Depending on how many courses they have been teaching, that could be a couple of semesters or it could be a couple of years. Check the contract for the section on eligibility or contact the leadership for more details.

Q2. I am an Academic Support Professional and I don’t know if I am in UPI or not. How do I know?

A2. Many Academic Support Professionals (ASPs) are members of the bargaining unit from the time they are hired. However, some ASPs, have a delay before they are eligible for membership. Check the contract for details, or contact the leadership.

Q3. What’s the difference between being a union member and being in the bargaining unit?

A3. Being a union member is the source of our collective power – to get strong contracts and to protect members when the administration violates the contract or treats people unfairly. Dues-paying members participate in the life of the union, vote in union elections and polls, approve official agreements and contracts, and are a force to be reckoned with on our campus and more broadly in the state. A person who doesn’t join the union is in the bargaining unit if they meet the criteria in the CBA. They are covered by the protections of the contract, but they contribute to the “free rider” problem – if people opt for the benefits of membership without contributing, eventually the collective body loses power, potentially resulting in deteriorating working conditions over time.

Q4. Where do the dues go?

A4. Dues are comprised of two components: (1) 0.6% of your base salary and (2) Affiliation Dues, which vary by geographic location. For further information, please visit this link.

Q5. What email lists does NEIUPI offer, and how can I use them?

A5. NEIUPI maintains three email lists: one on-campus list ( emails) and two off-campus lists. The off-campus lists include an ANNOUNCEMENTS list, which does not allow posting by members, and a CONVERSATION list that allows members to post and respond to each other and the entire list.